Good Shepherd's Hearts & Hands Quilters have been tying quilts for Lutheran World Relief since 1997. The Blessing of the Quilts is held once a year when all of the quilts made during the year are lovingly displayed in our Worship Space and blessed by the congregation before being shipped to Lutheran World Relief.

The quilters meet in Shepherd Hall the first and third Mondays of the month from 9:30am to 12:30pm. No quilting or sewing experience is necessary, and you don't even have to know how to tie a knot!  Bring a lunch, something to drink, and your passion for fellowship and helping people in need.

This video was created in 2019 to share the Hearts & Hands Ministry with Good Shepherd. Enjoy!

If you would like more information about the Hearts & Hands Quilters, or if you have fabric to donate, please contact the church office at 775.329.0696 or send us an email.
